Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pumpkin Carving!

Yesterday was Saturday and with Halloween right around the corner we decided to carve pumpkins! We invited a few friends to come over and join us. It was a blast!!

This is the local pumpkin patch, you just drive right up, pick a couple pumpkins, and using the honor system, drop your money in the bucket!

Remember from It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown? "Ahhhh!! You didn't tell me you were gonna kill it!! Waaaaaaahhhhhh!!!"

This pumpkin is perfect for me. Off color and wonky. He can't stand up straight and he's green!

Here's a group shot of everyone's pumpkins all lined up together. See the skinny guy in the middle? It was a nice mystery squash I was planning to eat, but one of our friends thought it would be fun to carve it. I'd say it was well worth it!!

Happy Halloween!! Oh, and since this is supposed to be a blog about food too, I'll tell you what we ate. We grilled, so I had a yummy veggie burger with guacamole and hot sauce while everyone else had regular burgers. I may have had a few apple ciders and whiskey. Hey, it's fall!

My first post in my first blog!

This is my first attempt at blogging!  I figure, I've got at lot of things to ramble about, this can be a good outlet for all that!  I'm going to blog about vegan food I eat, my cat, the fun things I do on the weekend with my boyfriend and his adorable pup, maybe some jewelry and maybe some working out.  I guess, whatever is on my mind!